GET Continental DATA
The Global Continental Country API is a groundbreaking digital tool designed to provide exhaustive data and insights on countries spanning the globe's continents. This API is not just about geographic coordinates or capitals; it delves deep into the heart of each nation, offering comprehensive details on demographics, economic indicators, cultural nuances, historical milestones, and much more. Whether you're a developer looking to build location-based applications, a researcher aiming for comparative global studies, or an educator in search of authentic resources, this API emerges as a trusted companion. Its integration of data from every continent ensures a holistic understanding of our world, making it indispensable for those striving for a truly global perspective.
<!-- Example JSON Response --> [ { "name": "Afghanistan", "code": "AF", "country-code": "93", "states": [ "Badakhshan", "Badghis", "Baghlan", "Balkh", "Bamyan", "Daykundi", "Farah", "Faryab", "Ghazni", "Ghor", "Helmand", "Herat", "Jowzjan", "Kabul", "Kandahar", "Kapisa", "Khost", "Kunar", "Kunduz", "Laghman", "Logar", "Nangarhar", "Nimruz", "Nuristan", "Paktia", "Paktika", "Panjshir", "Parwan", "Samangan", "Sar-e Pol", "Takhar", "Uruzgan", "Wardak", "Zabul" ], "official_language": [ "Dari Persian", "Pashto" ], "capital": "Kabul", "region": "South-Central Asia", "flag-image": [ "country_flag_image/AF/og_65d5ad60406a7.jpg", "country_flag_image/AF/regular_65d5ad60406a7.jpg", "country_flag_image/AF/small_65d5ad60406a7.jpg", "country_flag_image/AF/thumbnail_65d5ad60406a7.jpg" ], "flag-image-svg": "country_flag_image/AF/svg_65d5ad5faa2a7.svg", "current_time": "2024-02-21 01:27:51 PM", "current_time_24hr": "2024-02-21 01:27:51", "coordinates": [ "33°00′N", "65°00′E" ] } ... ]
<!-- Example JSON Response --> [ { "currency_code": "CAD", "name": "Canadian Dollar", "symbol": "$", "ranking": 6 }, { "currency_code": "JPY", "name": "Japanese Yen", "symbol": "¥", "ranking": 3 }, { "currency_code": "USD", "name": "United States Dollar", "symbol": "$", "ranking": 1 }, ... ]
<!-- Example JSON Response --> [ "last_update_unix": 1693872002, "last_update_utc": "Tue, 05 Sep 2023 00:00:02 +0000", "next_update_unix": 1693958402, "next_update_utc": "Wed, 06 Sep 2023 00:00:02 +0000", "base_code": "CAD", "base_symbol":"C$" "base_amount": "1", "exchange": { "CAD": { "rate":1, "amount":1, "symbol":"C$" }, "AED": { "rate":2.7018, "amount":2.7018, "symbol":"د.إ" }, "AFN": { "rate":53.9673, "amount":53.9673, "symbol":"؋" }, ... } ]
<!-- Example JSON Response --> [ "last_update_unix": 1693872002, "last_update_utc": "Tue, 05 Sep 2023 00:00:02 +0000", "next_update_unix": 1693958402, "next_update_utc": "Wed, 06 Sep 2023 00:00:02 +0000", "base_code": "CAD", "base_symbol":"C$" "base_amount": "1", "foreign_code":"USD" "foreign_symbol":"$" "foreign_rate":1.35 "foreign_amount":1.35 ... ]